September 01, 2018
Dr. Aich has been appointed as an Academic Editor for PLOS ONE
Dr. Aich has been invited and appointed as an Academic Editor of PLOS ONE - one of the leading Open Access journals in the world. Dr. Aich will be providing expert editorial services to the journal.
August 25, 2018
#AichLENS published journal article on nanohybrid toxicity in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Nanomaterial conjugations are performed to enhancing their application performance such as catalytic activities or contaminant removal efficiency. However, conjugation of two or more materials to produce nanohybrids may lead to unprecedented toxicological behavior. #AichLENS group has shown in this paper that the nanohybrids show significantly different toxicological behavior that their parent materials, and also the toxicity of nanohybrids cannot be predicted either from the mixture of the parent materials or from the individual material toxicity.
April 30, 2018
#AichLENS published a book chapter on the application of iron-based nanohybrids for water and soil remediation
New generations of nanocomposites and nanohybrids containing iron nanoparticles are becoming very important for soil and water remediation. They provide multifunctional properties and can enhance performances. However, these emerging properties of nanohybrids can also create potential concerns for environmental and human health risks. This important and emerging area of research is discussed in the new book chapter titled 'Application of Nanozerovalent Iron for Water Treatment and Soil Remediation: Emerging Nanohybrid Approach and Environmental Implications' co-authored by Dr. Nirupam Aich and 2nd Year PhD student Arvid Masud in the book 'Iron Nanomaterials for Water and Soil Treatment'.
March 27, 2018
#AichLENS published an article in the journal of Environmental Science & Technology
​#AichLENS group has just published an article in the journal of Environmental Science & Technology titled 'Investigating and Modeling the Transport of the ‘New-Horizon’ Reduced Graphene Oxide—Metal Oxide Nanohybrids in Water-Saturated Porous Media'. This paper, for the first time, shows how to model the complex behavior of multifunctional nanohybrids in the porous media. Dr. Aich is a coauthor of the paper, and this is published in collaboration with the USEPA.
February 23, 2018
#AichLENS Published an Article in Journal of Nanoparticle Research
#AichLENS group has recently published an article in the Journal of Nanoparticle Research titled 'Shape matters: Cr(VI) removal using iron nanoparticle impregnated 1-D vs 2-D carbon nanohybrids prepared by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis'. This paper describes the effect of dimensionality of 1-D CNT vs 2-D graphene on the chromium removal performance of the nanocarbon-iron hybrid materials. 1st year PhD student Arvid Masud is the leading author in this paper. Dr. John Atkinson's group at UB is the collaborator in this project. Online version coming soon!
December 31, 2017
Dr. Aich gave invited talks at RIT, OSU, and UCLA
During Fall 2017, Dr. Aich gave invited talks the Environmental Engineering programs at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Ohio State University (OSU), and University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). He presented the recent works in #AichLENS on the environmental application of multifunctional nanomaterials.
November 07, 2017
Zach Wins Two Awards in SNO Conference
Zachary (Zach) Shepard, Summer REU student in #AichLENS group, has won the 3rd place in the poster competition and 2nd place in the NanoPitch competition at the Sixth Annual Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization (SNO) Conference during November 5-7, 2017. Zach discussed about his work on the synthesis and application of multifunctional two dimensional nanohybrids for contaminant removal. Congratz to Zach!
October 17, 2017
#AichLENS Published Journal Article in ES&T
#AichLENS group published a journal article in the journal of Environmental Science & Technology titled 'Carboxymethylcellulose Mediates the Transport of Carbon Nanotube—Magnetite Nanohybrid Aggregates in Water-Saturated Porous Media'. This work demonstrates the potential for transport of carbon-metallic nanohybrids through porous media in comparison with their single parent component. This is a collaboration between #AichLENS group at UB and Dr. Chungming Su's group at USEPA. Dr. Nirupam Aich and Mr. Arvid Masud are co-authors in this paper. Following is the abstract and the link to the paper.
October 07, 2017
Tashfia Wins SNO Student Award
Tashfia Mohona, 2nd year MS Student in #AichLENS group, has won the Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization (SNO) student award for attending the Sixth Annual SNO Conference in Los Angeles, CA. She will be presenting her work on the aggregation kinetics of two-dimensional nanomaterials in aquatic systems. Congratz to Tashfia.
October 01, 2017
Arvid Wins PanNano 2017 Travel Award
Arvid Masud, 1st year PhD student in #AichLENS group, has recently won the travel award to attend the 1st Pan American Congress of Nanotechnology (PanNano-2017) in Guarujá, SP, Brazil, which will be held during November 27-30, 2017. He will present his work on the use of ultrasonic spray pyrolysis for synthesizing carbon-metallic nanohybrids for chromium removal.
May 15, 2017
Arvid presents his MS project
#AichLENS member Arvid Masud presents his work to finish his MS project. Arvid is the first student from #AichLENS group to graduate with a degree and will continue to work in #AichLENS for his PhD. His MS work involves preparing 1-D and 2-D carbon-metallic nanohybrids using ultrasonic spray pyrolysis for environmental applications. Arvid was co-advised by Dr. John Atkinson of UB EWRE. Congratulations to Arvid on his graduation!
May 05, 2017
New Book Chapter Published by #AichLENS Group
#AichLENS group has published a book chapter titled 'Dimensional Variations in Nanohybrids: Property Alterations, Applications, and Considerations for Toxicological Implications' in the book 'Anisotropic and Shape-Selective Nanomaterials: Structure-Property Relationships'. Dr. Aich is the leading author in the chapter while M.S. Student Arvid Masud is a coauthor. This chapter is a collaborative work with Drs. Navid Saleh and Jaime Plazas-Tuttle from University of Texas at Austin and Dr. Tara Sabo-Attwood from University of Florida.
​Hybridization of nano-scale entities prepare higher dimensional ensemble materials with multifunctionality. Such hierarchical complex materials though are engineered with output properties in mind, these evolved nanostructures possess unique shapes and physicochemical attributes. Nanotoxicological considerations hinge on physical size and shape factors; thus, dramatic alterations to shape and dimensionality of ensemble nanohybrids (NHs) necessitate careful evaluation of this ‘horizon’ material class. This chapter reviews size/shape/dimensionality variations of nanomaterials due to hybridization and discusses property alteration of these NHs, relevant to applications and nanotoxicology. The chapter also discusses nano-bio interactions of novel nanohybrids in relation to their size, shape, and dimensionality, and outlines future research needs and strategies.
April 01, 2017
Arvid Wins Poster Award
#AichLENS MS student Arvid Masud (middle one in the picture) has won Second Prize in UB CSEE Student Poster Competition. He presented his MS research on large-scale low-cost production of carbon-metallic nanohybrids. Congratulations to Arvid. Hope this is the first of the many more to come. So, we celebrated with coffee!
November 11, 2016
Moyo Wins SNO Poster Award
Moyo Celia Afolabi​, NSF REU Summer Fellow in #AichLENS group, has been awarded 3rd Place in the Poster Competition at Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference in Orlando Florida - Third Award of the Year!!! She also won the Student Travel Award to participate in this conference. Congratulations to Moyo - We are extremely proud of her accomplishments.
September 22, 2016
Moyo wins SNO Student Award
Moyosore Afolabi (Moyo), an undergraduate summer fellow in #AichLENS, has won the Student Award from Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization (SNO). She will be presented with the award during the 2016 SNO Conference in Orlando, Florida, November 10-12. Only 4 undergraduate students from all over the country are awarded each year for their research contributions to the field of sustainable applications of nanotechnology. Moyo will also present a poster in this conference about the research she did in #AichLENS as a part of the UB NSF-REU Program for Environmental Engineering Solution for Pollution Prevention during Summer 2016. #AichLENS members are proud of Moyo's accomplishments. Big Congratulations to Moyo!!
August 10, 2016
#AichLENS undergraduate researcher Moyo wins NSF-REU EESPP Poster Award
Moyosore Afolabi, an undergraduate summer fellow in #AichLENS group won the one of the Best Poster Awards in the NSF-REU Poster Symposium. This session was organized by NSF-REU program on Environmental Engineering Solution for Pollution Prevention in the University at Buffalo. Moyo presented her summer research on a novel magnetic nanohybrid for water treatment.
June 18, 2016
#AichLENS published a journal article in Science of the Total Environment
A journal article titled: "Importance of Doping, Dopant Distribution, and Nano-Scale Defects on Electronic Band Structure Alteration of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Implications for Reactive Oxygen Species Generation" was published by #AichLENS in Science of the Total Environment. This perspective discusses the role of dopants and defects on metal oxide nanoparticles' ability to generate ROS and introduce toxicity.
May 01, 2016
#AichLENS published a journal article in Environmental Science and Technology
Dr. Aich first authored a journal article in Environmental Science and Technology titled: "Aggregation Kinetics of Higher Order Fullerene Clusters in Aquatic Systems".This is one of the first studies to systematically assesses aggregation behavior of higher order fullerene (HOF) clusters in aqueous environment. State-of-the-art characterization, dynamic light scattering, and ab initio calculations have been utilized to decipher underlying aggregation mechanisms.